Andrea Libutti, M.D. is a board-certified emergency-medicine physician and spent several years in private practice treating children with autism from a mind-body-spirit perspective. Andrea received her medical training from the University of Southern California and conducted her residency at Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan. She lives on Long Island with her husband, their three sons, and their golden retriever named Abby.
“Hi there… I’m Dr. Andrea. As a mother, I’ve devoted my personal life to raising a child on the spectrum. And as a doctor, I’ve dedicated my working life to finding the answers for other parents, just like me. Today, I’m here to share my journey with you for 2 reasons: 1. So you can avoid the costly mistakes I made along the way. And… 2. So you can use the solutions that took me many years to find, to improve the quality of life for you and your child…”
–see AndreaLibutti.com ‘Awakened by Autism’