Camilo Basto

Marijuana Growth & Property Expert - Growing Marijuana Legally -Part 1 of 2

01/30 & 02/06

Picture of Executive Camilo Basto

Camilo Basto spent 14 years as an executive in the investment management industry working in operations, risk mitigation, and trading. In January of 2014 he moved to Oakland California to attend and graduated Valedictorian from Oaksterdam University, a leading cannabis educational facility, to pursue a career in the cannabis industry. There he learned federal and local laws, advocacy, cultivation, and dispensing. He later became Director of Operations & Compliance Officer for Rocky Mountain High, a ground level licensed cannabis venture, in Denver, Colorado.

-Mr. Basto is presently a licensed Real Estate Broker working for ABG Commercial Realty out of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Additionally, he now utilizes his expertise and experience to specialize in acquiring properties that comport with the cannabis market. Mr. Basto is a recognized authority on incorporating the cannabis industry objectives with commercial real estate locations. He is sought after for his knowledge of the industry.

Contact:  [email protected]  617/492-9900  307 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA 02141

Associated Brokerage Group Commercial Realty

Since our original interview, several additional States have now legalized either Medical and/or Recreational use of Marijuana. However, the history of its use, and the political, financial, and manufacturing aspects of Growing Marijuana Legally are still much of the same. Mr. Basto has also taken up new residence and a new job assignment as stated above.


2018-05.16 Boston Recreational Pot Zoning Timeline:

2018-06.25 Cannabis & Commercial Real Estate:

2019-11.22 Medical Marijuana Dispensory 2020 Northampton opening: